A Lamp to my Feet

A Lamp to my Feet


The theme verse of Moriel has always been Psalm 119:105: "Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet And A Light Unto My Path.

Just as we felt the need to produce books transmitting an organized series of scriptural expositions known as 'Grain For The Famine' in response to the Close of the Age prophetic predictions of the Hebrew Prophet Amos of a "Famine for the Hearing of the Word of God", so too a shortage of oil in an ever-darkening world awaiting the Return of The Bridegroom would plague much of the Church. This oil in scriptural typology speaks of the illumination of The Holy Spirit in rightly dividing The Word of God.


by James Jacob Prasch

The theme verse of Moriel has always been Psalm 119:105: "Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet And A Light Unto My Path. 

Just as we felt the need to produce books transmitting an organized series of scriptural expositions known as 'Grain For The Famine' in response to the Close of the Age prophetic predictions of the Hebrew Prophet Amos of a "Famine for the Hearing of the Word of God", so too a shortage of oil in an ever-darkening world awaiting the Return of The Bridegroom would plague much of the Church. This oil in scriptural typology speaks of the illumination of The Holy Spirit in rightly dividing The Word of God. 

As early Pentecostalism would sing "Give Me Oil In My Lamp Keep It Burning". Too often, and in many churches usually, scripture has become an oil-less lamp. The codex of God's Word we call 'bibles' have become flashlights with no batteries, hence torches with no light. Jesus told us that those represented by the "Foolish Virgins" of Matthew 25 would not even see the need for such light until it becomes too late. 

Their bibles become a mere ornament or religious decoration and not much of a lamp at all.

Our task is in The Lord's strength and grace to do all we can to be sure that the Wise Virgins do have oil for theirs.

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