


The title and the cover art of this work are a play off of the book by C. Peter Wagner entitled “"Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change The World".  In contrast to this specious claim, we have titled this book “Dominionism! How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches”.  We think that is far more in keeping with what we will present in this series of articles and essays on the subject of Kingdom Now/Dominionism.

The title and the cover art of this work are a play off of the book by C. Peter Wagner entitled “"Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change The World".  In contrast to this specious claim, we have titled this book “Dominionism! How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches”.  We think that is far more in keeping with what we will present in this series of articles and essays on the subject of Kingdom Now/Dominionism.

Indeed, many churches have already been changed by accepting the false teachings that constitute Dominionism.  This started decades ago under Reformed Reconstrucionism and Latter Rain theology, but even before that in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC).  The attempt of Constantine to protect Christians from being persecuted, since he claimed he had become one of them, turned out to begin a journey in syncretism and Dominion.  It wasn’t long before corrupt church officials began to try to seize power all over Europe and beyond as the “Holy Roman Empire”.  The Reformation itself was a reaction to the lengths to which the RCC had gone to take control over the Scriptures, the nations, the kingdoms, and the people for financial gain.  They sold indulgences, promising those who came up with enough money a much shorter time in Purgatory.  Those same ploys are being used today on what has been loosely called “Christian television” by the sale of trinkets and promises of healing, financial gain, and even salvation.

These ideas all coalesce in Dominionism.  If it were true that the Church needs to take over the planet, then we would be seeing the unstoppable plans of God’s physical Kingdom unfolding.  But we do not.  All we see are failed prophecies, empty edicts, and declarations coming from false apostles and false prophets.  They love to fool Christians with talk of the “kingdom” when it is clear they are talking about a different “kingdom”; a Kingdom Now not a Kingdom come.  Jesus taught us to pray: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.  The implication is that we are to be about building His spiritual Kingdom while praying for and expecting His physical Kingdom to come.  The only way we can do that is to continue in the Great Commission till He comes, not attempt to rule where God has not given the Church the authority to rule.  Jesus will do that when He returns.  If we go off on the tangent the Dominionists want us to go, we will not only miss out on the blessings of His Kingdom to come but may well be deserving of judgment.

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