Additional Books The Mormon Scrapbook BJP0005 $15.00 The Mormon Scrapbook is a cirriculum produced by Pastor Daniel Thompson to teach and train Christians about Mormonism. Add to cart
Books No Balm in Gilead NBIG001 $18.00 New book! NO BALM IN GILEAD by James Jacob Prasch Moriel Ministries Add to cart
Books Show Me One Jew! SMOJ001 $0.00 Show Me One Jew is a fantastic apologetic booklet to share with your Jewish friends or to understand more! A booklet explaining how Jesus is for the Jewish people! HTTP://MORIEL.ORG/GIVING/MORIEL-JERUSALEM-EVANGELISM-FUND.HTML Add to cart
Books Buddhism Deciphered BUDD001 $15.00 Examining the Implications of Buddhism and Christianity: the Empty vs. the Full; the Impersonal vs. the Personal; the Mythical vs. the Historical By Scott Murray Noble Add to cart
Books Dominionism DOM001 $20.00 The title and the cover art of this work are a play off of the book by C. Peter Wagner entitled “"Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change The World". In contrast to this specious claim, we have titled this book “Dominionism! How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches”. We think that is far more in keeping with what we will present in this series of... Add to cart
Books Shadows of the Beast (3rd Edition!) BJP009 $22.00 "How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful Church". Add to cart
Books Revelation Pray Always to Escape All These Things That Will Come Upon the Earth DRUM0001 $18.00 “Revelation Pray Always to Escape All These Things That Will Come Upon the Earth” looks at the end-time prophecy events in detail. Many of the scriptures concerning the end-time events are inserted in the book to assist the reader. Included in the book are also the ten views of the timing of the rapture of the church along with graphical timelines. The... Add to cart
Resisting The Mystical RTM-book $15.00 The second chapter of second Thessalonians tells us there will be a falling away before the day of the Lord. How can we avoid this falling away? One candidate for producing a massive falling away, and which has roots in most of the world’s religions, is already on the scene. It has even made significant in-roads into evangelical churches. The Emergent... Add to cart
Books A Lamp to my Feet BJP093 $18.00 The theme verse of Moriel has always been Psalm 119:105: "Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet And A Light Unto My Path. Just as we felt the need to produce books transmitting an organized series of scriptural expositions known as 'Grain For The Famine' in response to the Close of the Age prophetic predictions of the Hebrew Prophet Amos of a "Famine for the... Add to cart
Books The New Apostolic Reformation NAR001 $15.00 The International Coalition of Apostles headed by C. Peter Wagner is the most influential purveyor of the New Apostolic Reformation, a term coined by Wagner. Add to cart
Books Final Words of Jesus BPJ002 $18.00 A thought-provoking book addressing vitalissues facing the contemporary Church with new material on the "Purpose Driven" and the "Emergent Church". Add to cart
Books More Grain for the Famine BJP003 $18.00 With the rise and proliferation of false prophets and false teachers this has come true in our day. People are perishing for a lack of knowledge. Yet God promises in His Word that the righteious will never go without bread. In a follow up to Grain for the Famine, Moriel humbly offers More Grain for the Famine to feed the faithful in these last days. Add to cart